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Monday, March 7, 2011

Aircon - Its a wrap

You will recall last time I put up a post about the aircon the unit was pretty much complete and all back together again. The last job that needed doing though was to add some adapter plates to all the air outlets so I can later on direct the air to face vents, the footwell and to the windscreen.

This meant making up some templates that Tony Field kindly welded up for me. The three that look like vacuum cleaner attachments are the ducts that screw up under the dashboard to blow demister air up onto the windscreen. The remaining ones are those that Tony made. He made a really nice job of them and they fit perfectly.

Here they are all painted up and ready to install.

And now screwed into place on the aircon unit.

The blue hose is actually pool vacuum hose that is available from Para Rubber by the metre. I wasn't sure if it would stand up to the heat so I tested it first by blowing a paint stripper gun in one end of a length of the hose while I placed the kitchen thermometer (hope Janine's not reading this) at the other end. I set the gun on low heat and let it edge up to 90 degrees Celsius, that's about 195 degrees Fahrenheit Kevin :-)

The hose was soft but still kept its shape so I figure it will more than stand up to the task.

The demister vents are a smaller diameter so I had to buy some smaller hose for that and it thanfully screws inside the bigger hose so there was no trouble adapting between the two pipe sizes.

So that's it really until I get round to mounting the unit in the car and start plumbing all the gas lines and heater hoses.

So I guess that's what you'd call a "wrap".


1 comment:

  1. That was a nice update Colin, and thanks for the temperature conversion for us folks that live in the U.S.A. (lmao)!!

