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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chassis - It is now powered

Things have been quite slow for a while as a few background things have been happening, but these came together recently with the engine dropped off at Juniors Kustom Rides so that it could be installed in the chassis. This took place recently and the team kindly sent a few pictures. They were printed photo's so I have scanned them and you'll have to excuse the quality but you'll definitely get the idea, and as always first class work by Juniors!

These are the two engine mounts...

The next couple are the trans mount.

And here it is all mouted.

Its a very snug fit with no option about where it was mounted as any further forward it would have been on the steering rack. Also as you can see the trans is very tight in the K member, so there is no shifting the engine further back either.

The location of the engine won't be a problem though as the body will be customised significantly so having to locate the firewall to suit won't cause too much hassle.

The only other change that will require a bit of creativity is the fact the alternator had to be removed as it was fouling the chassis. I will wait until it is home to see if there is any way I can squeeze it in or if I can get away with a smaller alternator. Failing that I will locate the alternator higher (where the power steering pump is) and will change to an electric power steering pump which can be located remotely (as it is electrically driven and won't need to be belt driven like the standard one). These can be found in Toyota MR2's and are fairly readily available but not cheap as they are used by a few of the motor racing boys for stock cars and off roaders to name a few. Time will tell.

So looking good! Not too long now, just the brake pedal box to be mounted and the leading arms for the jag rear to be done, then it can come home.
