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Monday, January 20, 2014

Suspension - Springs and Shocks

My new springs have arrived. No less that 6 chrome QA1 springs. 4 for the rear and two for the front. I also have the new shocks for the front too as you can see in the boxes.

For the rear I picked up a matched set of 4 second hand QA1's for a bargain price so while they aren't totally new they will still look pretty good in behind the new springs.

I am putting all the springs in an oil bath tonight as they have a tendency to rust quite quickly as chrome is very porous and the moisture/air gets in under the chrome itself and starts rusting the steel underneath. It may well be an old wives tale but I have heard before that if you bathe them in oil, the oil soaks in and stops the steel from rusting. Certainly worth a try as far as I am concerned. I say this because they aren't cheap at $400 US....add to that another $200 US to ship them, the conversion rate and the GST our local officials add on, and you are soon clicking up a grand! Ahh the price of hot rodding.

Anyway the good news is these bits were all I needed to get the chassis rolling again. As soon as the diff head is reassembled and painted, the chassis will start going back together! That day can't come soon enough and it will be hugely motivating to get me back where I left off almost a year ago!


  1. The springs look amazing, very nice!!. I had no idea how much it costs for's good to here you're back in the garage again.

    1. Yeah the shipping is a huge expense down here. You can easily double the cost on some items. I guess thats what you get for being so far away from the home of hot rodding!
