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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Body - Comes Home

I made a trip out to Kumeu  on Friday before the big weekend of the Kumeu Classic Car and Hot Rod Show got underway. I managed to catch up with Lynda and Robin from Koop de Glass and to see the body in person for the first time. Pretty exciting!

Here's Robin and Lynda with their cool truck!

As you can see they are doing plenty of parts they have some stuff for Falcons, Torana's and the likes of Ford Pop's. They also have quite a range of Model A, 32 Ford and of course 33 Ford stuff like mine.

I wasn't picking up the body until Sunday afternoon as I wanted to leave the body with Robin and Lynda so they could use it to display and hopefully take orders over the weekend. It also gave me a chance to get the chassis sitting at ride height and also to put up my stands that I'd made a while back that have the height and angles that the body will be modified to follow. If you double click on the next photo you will be able to see them a bit more easily. The top string is the line the roof will follow and the bottom string is the line the bonnet will follow.

Late Sunday afternoon it was back to Kumeu to pick up the body. Here you can see my mate Bill Dobbin helping with lifting duties.

That was before Robin came and showed us how its done "Flintstone Style"

Then with an easy lift, Robin, Bill and his son Jamie, had the body sitting on the trailer, ready to be strapped down.

Ahhhh home at last and sitting in position on the chassis. Now you can see those lines. Remember the top string is the roof line.

Here I have put some arrows on the body showing where the roof will come down to.

The top arrow shows where the roof will come down to and the two lower arrows show where the bonnet line will come down to. 

The dropping of the roof will be achieved largely by chopping the roof off the car, shortening it and dropping it down at the right angle, but this will also be contributed to and the bonnet line will come down as a result of lowering the body over the chassis. To do this I will need to cut the flange (I will cut along the line in this next photo) that the body sits on the chassis with. This will let the body slide down lower.

Lowering the roof is known as chopping and lowering the body over the chassis is known as channeling, so ultimately the car will be chopped and channeled.

Okay so at last the body is I happy? You bet I am! Cheers.


  1. I remember when I got my body home too, what a feeling that was so I think I know how you feel. Congratulations Colin, have another cold one from me!

  2. Love your blog and thanks for the great comments. Gonna put the link on our website.

  3. Good stuff Robin. Hope you got home safely! Have started cutting the body already. Watch out for the next blog.....coming soon!

  4. Looking good Colin, cant wait for my next visit back to N.Z to see the progress.

  5. Yeah it should really start taking shape now. Cheers Carl.
